by Paul Aguilera | Aug 25, 2016 | Uncategorized
I’m very happy and proud to announce that the flamenco guitarist Rodrigo González Mendiondo has chosen a guitar made this year here in my workshop. Here in the video you can see him playing a buleria. which he recorded recently in Buenos Aires. Enjoy Thankyou...
by Paul Aguilera | Feb 17, 2016 | Uncategorized
I made this guitar in the Uk in October/November 2012 just before i left to go and live in Argentina, it belongs to an old pupil of mine Bobby Jarvis junior. Its based on a Manuel Reyes with a traditional peg head(fitted with Carlos Juan geared ebony pegs made with...
by Paul Aguilera | Jan 25, 2016 | Uncategorized
Esto es una nueva guitarra flamenca blanca que estoy preparando para el guitarrista flamenco Argentno Rodrigo Gonzalez Mendiondo. Los fondos y aros son de cypres cortado aqui en nuestro terreno, tapa de abeto y mango de cedro brasilero con diapason de ebano. La boca...
by Paul Aguilera | Dec 24, 2015 | Uncategorized
Here is a beautiful charango made in my workshop by my student Pacha. The charango was made using a combination of woods from our land as well as recycled materials. The bowl was made using elm cut here, its made from a single piece carved to be light and resonant....